Thank you for your interest in one of the most rewarding jobs in education -
volunteering with Sherwood Park Special Care Center programs.
We offer various types of volunteer opportunities. i.e.
- Adults 18 years of age and older
- School student programs
- Serving on our executive
- Proof of Police Clearance
- Minimum Commitment of 3-months
- Short CV with references
- Screening depending on placement
To be considered for a program volunteer opportunity, please submit your information in the application.
Once submitted, our Program Volunteer Specialist will contact you for further information and to walk you through the volunteer application process.
Everybody can be great because anybody can serve... You only need a heart full of grace.
A soul generated by love. And you can be that servant."
Short Term Volunteer Opportunities
If you are a volunteer seeking limited volunteer hours for community service requirements through the
Center's special events, please do not complete the application.
For additional information about event opportunities, contact Nabieya van Schoor on